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Hello again, it's nice to hear from you again! I typically update to add five community copies each time I get five sales on a game, I've added some extras this time. I hope that your friend enjoys!

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That sounds absolutely wonderful, please do let me know if you do!

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Expansive Skies is a short, sweet, constellation creation game!

You first roll 2d6 to determine how many stars are in your constellation, then draw a playing card, check the suit, and determine what it looks like. 

A fast, easy game to learn, and there is a lot of room for making up your own stories about the constellations. This works really well on its own but can also be used as a game-within-a-game for players looking up at the stars. 

I made 10 constellations, for my game, which you can read here


Thank you so so much for your feedback and for sharing your constellations - they are gorgeous!


Simple but sweetly meditative constellation generator; what could be more fun than making up and sending skies to your friends?

thank you so much!


This is a great and poetic idea! I'm sure this is very calming to play to it


Thank you so much!